Sdkit rnungan bt shbt/biah..
Lihat dnia skrg..dnia blm trblah,prmpuan tlh mgeluarkn malunya k tpi jlan..
Maafkn aq jka coretn ini memanaskan htimu. Sesungguhnya aq adlh Hawa,tmnmu yg kau pnta smasa ksunyian d syurga dulu..
Aq aslx dr tlg rsukmu yg bgkok. Jd jgn hran jka prjlanan hdpqu sntiasa inginkn bmbingan drimu,sentiasa trpesong dr lndasan,krna aq bruan setan..
Adam..Maha suci Allah yg mntakdirkn kaumqu lbh ramai dri kaummu d akhr zaman..itulh sbnrnya ktelitian Allah dlm urusanNya. Jika kaummu mguasai kaumqu nscya mrahlh dnia krna drah mnusia..kcau blau suasana..Adam sesama Adam brmusuhn krna Hawa..
Bkti ckup nyta dr prstiwa Habil dan Qabil smpi zman cucu cicitnya..wlau bgt mka tdk slaraslh undg2 Allah yg mghruskn Adam bristri lbh drpd 1 tp tdk lbh drpd 4..
Adam..bkn krna rmainya istrimu yg mmbimbgkan aq,bkn krna sdikitnya blganmu yg mrunsingknqu..Tapi,aq risau,gundah gulana mnyaksikan tgkahmu..Aq sjak dlu sdh tau bhwa aq hrus tndtk ktika mnjdi istrimu.. tahu bhw dlam Al-Quran ada ayt yg mnyatakn kaum lelaki adlah mnguasai kaum wnita. Kau d bri amanah untk mndidik aq, kau d bri tggungjwb untk mnjaga aq,mmprhtikan dan mgawasi aq agar sntiasa d dlam redha TUHANQU dan TUHANMU..
Tapi...realitiya skrg,Hawa tlh lbh dri sptutnya.
Adam..Mengapa kau biarkn aq bgini??Aq jdi ibu,aq jd guru,itu sdh tentU. Aq ibu dan gru bgi ank2mu.
Tpi skrg d wkt yg sma,,aq k muka mngurus hal2 yg lain..ada d antramu yg mgnggur tdk ad krja..kau biarkn sja aq pnjat tngga,kainqu mnyingsing paha. Apakh kau skrg tdk lg sprti dlu?Apkah sdh hlg ksh sucimu trhdpqu?
Adam..mrahkah kau jka qu ktakan andainya Hawa trpesOng,maka Adamlah yg ptUt menanggung??Kenapa??Mgapa bgt ADAM?Ya! Ramai org brkta jka ank jht,mak bpk tdk pndai mndi2k,jka mrd bdoh,gru tdk pndai mgjar.!Adam kau slalu brkta,Hawa mmg tdk mau dgr kta,tdk mdh d nasehti,kras kpla..pd hmtqu yg dhaif ini Adam, sharusnya kau tnya drimu..apakah di2kanmu sma sprti di2kan Nabi Muhammad SAW trhp istri2nya?
adkah Adam mlyani Hawa sma sprti psikologi nabi Muhammad trhdap mreka? Adkah akhlak Adam2 bleh d jdikan contOh trhdp kaum Hawa??
Adam.. Kau sbnrnya imam dan aq adlah adlah pgikut2mu krna kau adlah ketua. Jika kau benar, mka benarlh aq.. Jika kau lalai, mka lalailah aq..
Kau pnya kelebihan akal mnakala aq klbihan nfsu...
Akalmu sembilan,nfsumu 1... Aku,,akalqu 1 nfsuqu bribu..! Dan it Adam...pimpinlah tganqu,krna aq sring lupa,lalai dan alpa, sring aq trglincir d drong oleh nfsu..
Bimbinglah aq untk mnyelami kalimah Allah..prdngarkanlah aq kalimah syahdu dri Tuhanmu agr mnerangi hdupqu. Tiuplah ruh jihad k dlam dadaqu agr aq mnjdi mujahidah kekasih Allah...
Adam.. Andainya kau msh lalai dan alpa dg kerenahmu sndri, msh segan mgikut lgkah para shbat,msh gntar mncegah mgkar, mka qta tggu dan lihatlah, dunia ini akn hncur bla kaumqu yg akn me2rintah.. Malulah engkau Adam, malulah egkau pd drimu sndri dan pda Tuhanmu yg kau agungkn itu...
Moga qta sntiasa d dlm lmbayung rahmat Illahi...
Kamis, 17 Februari 2011
Jumat, 11 Februari 2011
IT II chapter1
1 Though obsolete in current desktop environments, what are three valid reasons for the continued use of MS-DOS? (Choose three.)
*MS-DOS supports legacy applications.
MS-DOS is an intuitive, high-overhead operating system.
MS-DOS rarely crashes because it is a multitasking operating system.
*MS-DOS is relatively easy to use.
*MS-DOS can run on inexpensive hardware.
2 What are three reasons why a company may choose Linux over Windows as an operating system? (Choose three.)
*The entire Linux installation can be completed using either a GUI or CLI.
The entire Windows installation can be completed using either a GUI or CLI.
Windows can be run entirely from a CD.
*Compared to Windows, Linux is virtually virus-free.
*Linux is a true multi-user system.
Linux has superior one-dimensional security.
3 Which acronyms describe the two general categories of OS user interfaces?
*CLI and GUI
4 What is a beneficial feature of preemptive multitasking?
Applications share the use of the processor by time slicing.
The processor dynamically adjusts the amount of memory needed by the application programs.
Application programs share memory addresses and exchange information.
*The operating system controls the allocation of processor time.
5 Which part of the OS, loaded into memory at boot time, controls memory allocation?
user interface
application software
file system
6 Network operating systems were designed to provide which of the following tasks? (Select three.)
*file security
*user privileges
resource access for a single user
*resource sharing among multiple users
7 What is meant by the statement, "We have to support our legacy system"?
Support must be provided for the newest Linux system.
Support must be provided for the system called legacy.
Support must be provided for the newest Microsoft system.
*Support must be provided for outdated software.
8 From which Windows configuration tool can a user perform hardware and network configurations?
Window Manager
My Computer
*Control Panel
Task Manager
9 Which two of the following statements are true? (Choose two.)
Linux is a true 16-bit operating system that uses preemptive multitasking.
Linux supports all Windows applications through the use of cooperative multitasking.
*Linux operating system code is available for anyone to modify and use.
Linux is a true 48-bit operating system that uses minimal virtual memory.
*Linux is a true 32-bit operating system that uses preemptive multitasking.
10 Which of the following is generally regarded as the standard GUI for Linux?
Red Hat Desktop
Star Office
11 Which two of the following shells are commonly available for Linux? (Choose two.)
Bore shell
*Korn shell
Cash shell
*C shell
PC shell
12 Which two statements describe security in the Windows operating system? (Choose two.)
Windows is less susceptible to viruses than Linux.
By default, users must have a username and password to log into Windows.
Windows security is generally one dimensional.
Windows security is improved through the use of third-party applications.
Windows can securely support multiple users with the Terminal service installed by default on personal computers.
13 Which two statements describe the security features of Linux? (Choose two.)
*Compared to Windows, Linux is virtually virus-free.
*Users must have a valid username and password to log into a Linux system, by default.
Linux security is one dimensional.
Most security features for Linux must be purchased from a third party.
14 Which of the following is a valid concern for a company considering a move from Windows to Linux?
Linux generally allows companies to recycle old hardware and software.
Users may need special training to become productive with Linux.
Special third party software may be necessary to secure and configure Linux.
Linux generally requires more disk space than Windows.
15 Windows and Linux both use a file system that resembles an upside-down tree. What is the name of this type of file structure?
16 What is the main reason FAT32 was created?
New operating systems required the use of filenames greater than eight characters.
*Earlier versions of FAT used disk space inefficiently.
FAT32 was needed to support drives up to 4 GB.
The maximum length of file extensions needed to be increased to three characters.
17 Which three of the following file systems does Windows 2000 use? (Choose three.)
18 With the FAT file system, what is the basic unit of logical storage on a disk?
logical drive
19 When compared to a command line interface, what is a major disadvantage of a GUI?
It requires an understanding of commands.
*It requires more memory and storage space.
It is more difficult to use.
Most server operating systems do not support a GUI.
20 Which command is entered in the Run dialog box of a Windows XP system to open a command prompt window?
*MS-DOS supports legacy applications.
MS-DOS is an intuitive, high-overhead operating system.
MS-DOS rarely crashes because it is a multitasking operating system.
*MS-DOS is relatively easy to use.
*MS-DOS can run on inexpensive hardware.
2 What are three reasons why a company may choose Linux over Windows as an operating system? (Choose three.)
*The entire Linux installation can be completed using either a GUI or CLI.
The entire Windows installation can be completed using either a GUI or CLI.
Windows can be run entirely from a CD.
*Compared to Windows, Linux is virtually virus-free.
*Linux is a true multi-user system.
Linux has superior one-dimensional security.
3 Which acronyms describe the two general categories of OS user interfaces?
*CLI and GUI
4 What is a beneficial feature of preemptive multitasking?
Applications share the use of the processor by time slicing.
The processor dynamically adjusts the amount of memory needed by the application programs.
Application programs share memory addresses and exchange information.
*The operating system controls the allocation of processor time.
5 Which part of the OS, loaded into memory at boot time, controls memory allocation?
user interface
application software
file system
6 Network operating systems were designed to provide which of the following tasks? (Select three.)
*file security
*user privileges
resource access for a single user
*resource sharing among multiple users
7 What is meant by the statement, "We have to support our legacy system"?
Support must be provided for the newest Linux system.
Support must be provided for the system called legacy.
Support must be provided for the newest Microsoft system.
*Support must be provided for outdated software.
8 From which Windows configuration tool can a user perform hardware and network configurations?
Window Manager
My Computer
*Control Panel
Task Manager
9 Which two of the following statements are true? (Choose two.)
Linux is a true 16-bit operating system that uses preemptive multitasking.
Linux supports all Windows applications through the use of cooperative multitasking.
*Linux operating system code is available for anyone to modify and use.
Linux is a true 48-bit operating system that uses minimal virtual memory.
*Linux is a true 32-bit operating system that uses preemptive multitasking.
10 Which of the following is generally regarded as the standard GUI for Linux?
Red Hat Desktop
Star Office
11 Which two of the following shells are commonly available for Linux? (Choose two.)
Bore shell
*Korn shell
Cash shell
*C shell
PC shell
12 Which two statements describe security in the Windows operating system? (Choose two.)
Windows is less susceptible to viruses than Linux.
By default, users must have a username and password to log into Windows.
Windows security is generally one dimensional.
Windows security is improved through the use of third-party applications.
Windows can securely support multiple users with the Terminal service installed by default on personal computers.
13 Which two statements describe the security features of Linux? (Choose two.)
*Compared to Windows, Linux is virtually virus-free.
*Users must have a valid username and password to log into a Linux system, by default.
Linux security is one dimensional.
Most security features for Linux must be purchased from a third party.
14 Which of the following is a valid concern for a company considering a move from Windows to Linux?
Linux generally allows companies to recycle old hardware and software.
Users may need special training to become productive with Linux.
Special third party software may be necessary to secure and configure Linux.
Linux generally requires more disk space than Windows.
15 Windows and Linux both use a file system that resembles an upside-down tree. What is the name of this type of file structure?
16 What is the main reason FAT32 was created?
New operating systems required the use of filenames greater than eight characters.
*Earlier versions of FAT used disk space inefficiently.
FAT32 was needed to support drives up to 4 GB.
The maximum length of file extensions needed to be increased to three characters.
17 Which three of the following file systems does Windows 2000 use? (Choose three.)
18 With the FAT file system, what is the basic unit of logical storage on a disk?
logical drive
19 When compared to a command line interface, what is a major disadvantage of a GUI?
It requires an understanding of commands.
*It requires more memory and storage space.
It is more difficult to use.
Most server operating systems do not support a GUI.
20 Which command is entered in the Run dialog box of a Windows XP system to open a command prompt window?
Rabu, 09 Februari 2011
Istimewanya seOranG wanIta itU...
1.keCantIkan sEoraNg waNita ialah tErLetak sEjaUh mana ia dpt mEnjaGa maLunya,sEmentara kEgagahaN Lelaki iaLah tErLetak sEjaUh mana ia dpt mEnahan amarahnya.
2. Jgan mEnyaLahkan pErasaan istri anda,karena perasaannya yg terbaik ialah ketika ia mEnErima anda sbg sUami.
3. PerawaN tUa ialah waNita yg kEhilanGan kEsEmpatan mEnyUsahkan sEoraNg Lelaki.
4. Wanita bisa mEmaafkan sUatU pEnghianatan sUaminya,tEtapi dia tidak bIsa mElupakannya.
5. Kecantikan wanita tdk berarti apa2 dibndingkan dg kemuliaan akhlak dan prilakunya.
6. Siapa yg menikahi wanita karena hartanya maka dia telah menjual kemerdekaannya.
7. Wanita adalah bntang dan pelita bg lelaki,tnpa pelita lelaki brmlam dlm kegelapan.
8. Wanita lebih cepat dr lelaki menangis dan dlam mengingat peristiwa yg menyebabkan ia menangis.
9. Wanita sgt brlebihan dlam mencintai dan membenci..dan tdak mgenal pertengahannya.
10. Sesungguhnya tdak ada wanita yg sgt cntik,yg ada ialah kaum pria yg sgt lemah bila brhadapan dg kecantikan.
11. Kebijaksanaan wanita terletak d dlam htinya.
12. Seorang wanita menghadapi kesUlitaN apabiLa ia bEraDa d antara lelaki yg dicIntainya dan yg mEncintainya.
2. Jgan mEnyaLahkan pErasaan istri anda,karena perasaannya yg terbaik ialah ketika ia mEnErima anda sbg sUami.
3. PerawaN tUa ialah waNita yg kEhilanGan kEsEmpatan mEnyUsahkan sEoraNg Lelaki.
4. Wanita bisa mEmaafkan sUatU pEnghianatan sUaminya,tEtapi dia tidak bIsa mElupakannya.
5. Kecantikan wanita tdk berarti apa2 dibndingkan dg kemuliaan akhlak dan prilakunya.
6. Siapa yg menikahi wanita karena hartanya maka dia telah menjual kemerdekaannya.
7. Wanita adalah bntang dan pelita bg lelaki,tnpa pelita lelaki brmlam dlm kegelapan.
8. Wanita lebih cepat dr lelaki menangis dan dlam mengingat peristiwa yg menyebabkan ia menangis.
9. Wanita sgt brlebihan dlam mencintai dan membenci..dan tdak mgenal pertengahannya.
10. Sesungguhnya tdak ada wanita yg sgt cntik,yg ada ialah kaum pria yg sgt lemah bila brhadapan dg kecantikan.
11. Kebijaksanaan wanita terletak d dlam htinya.
12. Seorang wanita menghadapi kesUlitaN apabiLa ia bEraDa d antara lelaki yg dicIntainya dan yg mEncintainya.
Selasa, 08 Februari 2011
chapter 1 IT1 versi 4.1
1 Which two characteristics are determined by the chip set on a motherboard? (Choose two.)
*maximum amount of memory that can be installed
operating system compatibility
*type of connectors that will be on the motherboard
keyboard layout
2 Which two activities are normally controlled by the Northbridge part of the chip set? (Choose two.)
communication between the CPU and the I/O ports
*access to the RAM
communication between the CPU and the hard drive
*access to the video card
communication between the CPU and the sound card
3 Which CPU architecture uses a small set of instructions that are designed to be executed rapidly?
4 Which type of memory is unable to have the contents modified?
5 Which type of memory is primarily used as cache memory?
6 Which three devices are considered output devices? (Choose three.)
fingerprint scanner
7 Which type of ROM can be reprogrammed with software while it is still physically installed in the computer?
8 Refer to the exhibit. Which type of cable is shown in the graphic?
9 Which important feature is offered by the USB standard?
A single USB connection to a computer can support up to 255 separate devices.
It offers rates of around 580 Mb/sec in low-speed mode.
It allows up to 920 Mb/sec in the 2.0 version.
*It can supply power from the computer to devices.
10 What are the two connector types for the 1394a interface? (Choose two.)
11 Which type of computer resources are direct lines to the processor used by computer components to request information from the CPU?
I/O addresses
memory addresses
12 Which two devices are considered input devices? (Choose two.)
*biometric authentication device
*digital camera
13 A technician needs to back up 4 GB of data using a single storage medium. Which medium can hold the entire 4 GB on a single disc?
floppy disc
14 A technician is helping a customer compare two hard drives. Which unit of measurement is used for the hard drive speed?
*revolutions per minute
pages per minute
clusters per minute
15 Which two form factors are commonly used to build a new computer? (Choose two.)
16 Which two characteristics of a motherboard can be determined by the form factor? (Choose two.)
type of processor supported
maximum memory supported
17 PATA data cables are available in two different types. The types are distinguished by the number of conductors. Which two types are available? (Choose two.)
18 How many conductors are found in a SATA data cable?
19 Which three system resources are commonly used for communication between the CPU or memory and other components in the computer? (Choose three.)
*I/O address
20 Which two categories are used to classify CPU architecture? (Choose two.)
21 Which technology would be best to use for drive redundancy and data protection?
22 Refer to the exhibit. Based on the advertisement that is shown, what is the native resolution of this computer system?
3 GB
2.0 GHz
1919 MB
*1280 x 800
13.35 x 9.57
23 Which type of RAM chip has the fastest clock rate but consumes the least power and generates the least heat?
24 What is the function of a capture card?
provides a connection to multiple storage devices
enables 32-bit or 64-bit redundant connections to the computer
*enables a video signal to be recorded to the computer hard drive
connects to a TV source and enables the TV signals to be watched but not recorded on a computer
25 Which expansion slot would be used to install a video capture card in a new computer?
Advanced Graphics Port
Microchannel Architecture
*Peripheral Component Interconnect-Express
Extended Industry Standard Architecture
26 A customer orders a new computer and specifies an internal read-write, non-volatile storage device that uses low power, has fast access to data, and is reliable. What is a suitable storage device that meets these requirements?
*solid state drive
SATA hard drive
USB flash drive
27 Why are solid state drives reliable and therefore suitable to be installed in computers used in harsh industrial workplaces?
*They consume less power and have no moving parts.
The drive motors have larger storage capacity and can be mirrored.
Data is accessed from the drive disks faster than it is on other drives.
The encrypted data on solid state drives is more secure than it is with other drive technologies.
28 A company employee has very important data on a computer. What RAID level should be used if the criteria include that data be written and read simultaneously and that all data be duplicated using a minimum of three drives?
*maximum amount of memory that can be installed
operating system compatibility
*type of connectors that will be on the motherboard
keyboard layout
2 Which two activities are normally controlled by the Northbridge part of the chip set? (Choose two.)
communication between the CPU and the I/O ports
*access to the RAM
communication between the CPU and the hard drive
*access to the video card
communication between the CPU and the sound card
3 Which CPU architecture uses a small set of instructions that are designed to be executed rapidly?
4 Which type of memory is unable to have the contents modified?
5 Which type of memory is primarily used as cache memory?
6 Which three devices are considered output devices? (Choose three.)
fingerprint scanner
7 Which type of ROM can be reprogrammed with software while it is still physically installed in the computer?
8 Refer to the exhibit. Which type of cable is shown in the graphic?
9 Which important feature is offered by the USB standard?
A single USB connection to a computer can support up to 255 separate devices.
It offers rates of around 580 Mb/sec in low-speed mode.
It allows up to 920 Mb/sec in the 2.0 version.
*It can supply power from the computer to devices.
10 What are the two connector types for the 1394a interface? (Choose two.)
11 Which type of computer resources are direct lines to the processor used by computer components to request information from the CPU?
I/O addresses
memory addresses
12 Which two devices are considered input devices? (Choose two.)
*biometric authentication device
*digital camera
13 A technician needs to back up 4 GB of data using a single storage medium. Which medium can hold the entire 4 GB on a single disc?
floppy disc
14 A technician is helping a customer compare two hard drives. Which unit of measurement is used for the hard drive speed?
*revolutions per minute
pages per minute
clusters per minute
15 Which two form factors are commonly used to build a new computer? (Choose two.)
16 Which two characteristics of a motherboard can be determined by the form factor? (Choose two.)
type of processor supported
maximum memory supported
17 PATA data cables are available in two different types. The types are distinguished by the number of conductors. Which two types are available? (Choose two.)
18 How many conductors are found in a SATA data cable?
19 Which three system resources are commonly used for communication between the CPU or memory and other components in the computer? (Choose three.)
*I/O address
20 Which two categories are used to classify CPU architecture? (Choose two.)
21 Which technology would be best to use for drive redundancy and data protection?
22 Refer to the exhibit. Based on the advertisement that is shown, what is the native resolution of this computer system?
3 GB
2.0 GHz
1919 MB
*1280 x 800
13.35 x 9.57
23 Which type of RAM chip has the fastest clock rate but consumes the least power and generates the least heat?
24 What is the function of a capture card?
provides a connection to multiple storage devices
enables 32-bit or 64-bit redundant connections to the computer
*enables a video signal to be recorded to the computer hard drive
connects to a TV source and enables the TV signals to be watched but not recorded on a computer
25 Which expansion slot would be used to install a video capture card in a new computer?
Advanced Graphics Port
Microchannel Architecture
*Peripheral Component Interconnect-Express
Extended Industry Standard Architecture
26 A customer orders a new computer and specifies an internal read-write, non-volatile storage device that uses low power, has fast access to data, and is reliable. What is a suitable storage device that meets these requirements?
*solid state drive
SATA hard drive
USB flash drive
27 Why are solid state drives reliable and therefore suitable to be installed in computers used in harsh industrial workplaces?
*They consume less power and have no moving parts.
The drive motors have larger storage capacity and can be mirrored.
Data is accessed from the drive disks faster than it is on other drives.
The encrypted data on solid state drives is more secure than it is with other drive technologies.
28 A company employee has very important data on a computer. What RAID level should be used if the criteria include that data be written and read simultaneously and that all data be duplicated using a minimum of three drives?
Whai gdis..tlah brkali2 d pringatkan bhwa tman lelaki atau kekasih anda tdk pnya hak apa2 k ats drimu....
Kekasihmu msh blm lgi mnjadi suami yg sah... Simpanlh drimu buat suamimu yg sah d msa dpan...
Jgan tErtIpu dg janji manis dri lidah yg tak brtUlang yg bijak mgatUr kta2 indah...wlaUpun bgtU byk yg trtipU atau mrELAkan dri d tipu lagi dan lagi...
Mgkin krna ingin mEngUji dri sendri atau mrasa dri tdk mUdah trtipu..lantas pgalaman org lain tdak d jadikan iktibar...
Akhirnya,kbiasaannya qta mlihat kEkasih akn mGhilangkan dri stELah mNdapat apa yg trlalu brharga darimU...sygnya tdk rmai yg mghargai harga drimU sndiri..
Tinggallah hErOin sEoranG dri mErintih sayU ditinggal hErO...
Gist of thE stOry >> tdak hina mEnjaga drimU slaras khEndak agama krna itULah prasyarat kEmuliaan,kEtenangan dan kbhagiaan hakiki...ramai qta trlUpa...mana mGkin rOhani dpt d pUaskn dg prkara2 zahir...
tq 4
Kekasihmu msh blm lgi mnjadi suami yg sah... Simpanlh drimu buat suamimu yg sah d msa dpan...
Jgan tErtIpu dg janji manis dri lidah yg tak brtUlang yg bijak mgatUr kta2 indah...wlaUpun bgtU byk yg trtipU atau mrELAkan dri d tipu lagi dan lagi...
Mgkin krna ingin mEngUji dri sendri atau mrasa dri tdk mUdah trtipu..lantas pgalaman org lain tdak d jadikan iktibar...
Akhirnya,kbiasaannya qta mlihat kEkasih akn mGhilangkan dri stELah mNdapat apa yg trlalu brharga darimU...sygnya tdk rmai yg mghargai harga drimU sndiri..
Tinggallah hErOin sEoranG dri mErintih sayU ditinggal hErO...
Gist of thE stOry >> tdak hina mEnjaga drimU slaras khEndak agama krna itULah prasyarat kEmuliaan,kEtenangan dan kbhagiaan hakiki...ramai qta trlUpa...mana mGkin rOhani dpt d pUaskn dg prkara2 zahir...
tq 4
Jumat, 04 Februari 2011
siapakah dRi Qta sbEnarnya...???
"sudahkah di Qada' Solatyang dLU2? Jika tidak ingat, gantikanlahdengan mghitung berapa usia kita sekarang dikurangikira-kira 10 tahun dari mula akil baligh kita..."Subhanallah, betapa alpa nya kami... sesungguhnyaEngkau maha penerima taubat...
Peringatan buat diriku yang sering lupa........ Adakahkita seorang Islam???? Pernahkah kita terfikir...Hidup kita ini hanyalah sementara. Sampai masanyakita akan pergi menemui Allah. Apakah bekalan danpersediaan kita menempuh hari kematian. Dalam kitamengejar kejayaan dunia, kita sering lupa bahwatujuan hidup kita yang sebenar.. apakah pilihan kita?Beruntunglah orang-orang yang berebut-rebutmenagih ihsan dan kasih sayang Allah.
Sesungguhnya keredhaan Allah yang kita cari. Duniayang semakin tua ini sering dilanda masalah,bermula daripada kbakaran, krisis ekonomi, timbulpula gejala murtad... Fitnah.. gempa bumi,peperangan dan bermacam-macam lagi. Inisebenarnya adalah ujian Allah kepada kita. Adakahkita benar-benar menginsafinya. Semua ini jugaadalah bala!! Tanda kemurkaan Allah!! Adakah kitabenar-benar seorang Islam???? Maka, adakah kitafikir bahwa kejayaan kita di Universitas dapatmembawa kita ke Syurga? Adakah kita fikir bahwakejayaan kita adalah kerana usaha dan ikhtiar andasendiri.????
Tidak malukah kita mengaku diri kita hebat, bijak,rajin .. pdahall semuanya adalah kurnia Allah. Segalakelebihan yang ada pada kita adalah datangnya dariAllah.
Apakah kita fikir Allah itu akan menyukai hambaNyayang tidak bersyukur.
Adakah kita yakin kita seorang Islam??? SedangkanRabiatul Adawiyah tidak mau melupakan Allahwalau sedetikpun. Hassan Al-Basri pulamenangis sampai bercu2ran airmata krnamenyesal melupai Allah dalam be2rapa mnit.Tetapi, mengapa kita masih leka buai perasaan...Tidakkah kita berasa rugi kerana kurang berzikirkepada Allah.. Tidakkah kita berasa rugi keranakurang berselawat kepada Rasulullah... Siapa diri kitasebenarnya!!!! Firaun??? Tentu tidak.. jadi, siapa kitasebenarnya, wahai manusia yang berasal darisekepal tanah yang hina!!!!
Apakah kita yakin kita bertuhankan Allah???? Maka,mengapa kita tidak mahu mengejar Dia... Mengapakita masih mendedahkan aurat. Mengapa kita masihtidak mahu menuntut ilmu. Syariat, Tariqat, Hakikat,dan Makrifat. Feqah dan Tasauf... Dapat kah kitamenghuraikan cabang-cabang ilmu tersebut.. Tidakmalukah kita kerana gagal menghuraikannya, jauhdari mengamalkannya.
Adakah kita harus mempersalahkan puak-puakkristian yang berjaya memurtadkan ribuan umatIslam jika kita sendiri gagal memperhebatkanpertahanan diri. Ketahuilah... sesungguhnya Iblis ituamat suka kepada mereka yang tidak berilmu..Sedarilah bahawa, kejahilan boleh menyebabkandosa. Kita tidak takut dosa. Berapa banyak amalankita yang boleh menghapuskan dosa seharian???
Apakah kita begitu yakin untuk menempuhakhirat???? Siapakah kita menjelang hari kematian?Adakah kita seorang Islam. Bersediakah kitaberhadapan dengan malaikat maut.
Apakah kita merasakan diri kita terlalu muliasehingga tidak ada daya untuk menjauhkan diri dariperbuatan mungkar. Kita pergi kuliah, pergi kerja **kita yakin kita telah menutup aurat?
Kita shalat ...** kita yakin slat kita tidak tercela? Kita makan ...** kita yakin rezeki yang kita jamah diredhai Allah?Kita minum ...** kita yakin di akhirat kelak kita akan dapat minumseperti yang kita minum sekarang? Kita ketawa ...** kita tidak malu pada Allah? Kita cemerlang dalamUAN, PASCAL, LOGIK, TITAS, C++, ...** kita yakin semua itu dapat membantu kitamenjelangnya fitnah kubur? Kita berpuasa** kita yakin puasa kita mulia sehingga dapatmembela kita di hari akhirat? Kita sehat ...** kita yakin Allah muliakan kita? Kita sakit ...** kita tidak malu pada Allah kerana menarik baliknikmat kesihatan? Siapa Kita????
Kita adalah manusia yang berasal dari sekepal tanahyang hina dina.. betapa hinanya kita... tapi, kita masihmampu tersenyum dan tertawa. Bersedialahmenempuh hari selepas kematian, bersedialah untukmenempuh sakaratul maut. Burulah cinta ALLAH,sebelum Allah menutup pintu rahmatnya.Sesungguhnya kematian itu adalah sesuatu yangPASTI......!!!! Siapa kita....????
Beberapa kata renungan dari Qur'an : Orang yangtidak melakukan shalat pada :Subuh : Dijauhkan cahaya muka yang bersinarZhuhur : Tidak diberikan berkah dalam rezekinyaAsar : Dijauhkan dari kesehatan / kekuatanMaghrib : Tidak diberi santunan oleh anak-anaknya.Isha' : Dijauhkan kedamaian dalam tidurnyaAl-Quran: Sembahyanglah sebelum kamudisembahyangkan oleh orang lain.
Peringatan buat diriku yang sering lupa........ Adakahkita seorang Islam???? Pernahkah kita terfikir...Hidup kita ini hanyalah sementara. Sampai masanyakita akan pergi menemui Allah. Apakah bekalan danpersediaan kita menempuh hari kematian. Dalam kitamengejar kejayaan dunia, kita sering lupa bahwatujuan hidup kita yang sebenar.. apakah pilihan kita?Beruntunglah orang-orang yang berebut-rebutmenagih ihsan dan kasih sayang Allah.
Sesungguhnya keredhaan Allah yang kita cari. Duniayang semakin tua ini sering dilanda masalah,bermula daripada kbakaran, krisis ekonomi, timbulpula gejala murtad... Fitnah.. gempa bumi,peperangan dan bermacam-macam lagi. Inisebenarnya adalah ujian Allah kepada kita. Adakahkita benar-benar menginsafinya. Semua ini jugaadalah bala!! Tanda kemurkaan Allah!! Adakah kitabenar-benar seorang Islam???? Maka, adakah kitafikir bahwa kejayaan kita di Universitas dapatmembawa kita ke Syurga? Adakah kita fikir bahwakejayaan kita adalah kerana usaha dan ikhtiar andasendiri.????
Tidak malukah kita mengaku diri kita hebat, bijak,rajin .. pdahall semuanya adalah kurnia Allah. Segalakelebihan yang ada pada kita adalah datangnya dariAllah.
Apakah kita fikir Allah itu akan menyukai hambaNyayang tidak bersyukur.
Adakah kita yakin kita seorang Islam??? SedangkanRabiatul Adawiyah tidak mau melupakan Allahwalau sedetikpun. Hassan Al-Basri pulamenangis sampai bercu2ran airmata krnamenyesal melupai Allah dalam be2rapa mnit.Tetapi, mengapa kita masih leka buai perasaan...Tidakkah kita berasa rugi kerana kurang berzikirkepada Allah.. Tidakkah kita berasa rugi keranakurang berselawat kepada Rasulullah... Siapa diri kitasebenarnya!!!! Firaun??? Tentu tidak.. jadi, siapa kitasebenarnya, wahai manusia yang berasal darisekepal tanah yang hina!!!!
Apakah kita yakin kita bertuhankan Allah???? Maka,mengapa kita tidak mahu mengejar Dia... Mengapakita masih mendedahkan aurat. Mengapa kita masihtidak mahu menuntut ilmu. Syariat, Tariqat, Hakikat,dan Makrifat. Feqah dan Tasauf... Dapat kah kitamenghuraikan cabang-cabang ilmu tersebut.. Tidakmalukah kita kerana gagal menghuraikannya, jauhdari mengamalkannya.
Adakah kita harus mempersalahkan puak-puakkristian yang berjaya memurtadkan ribuan umatIslam jika kita sendiri gagal memperhebatkanpertahanan diri. Ketahuilah... sesungguhnya Iblis ituamat suka kepada mereka yang tidak berilmu..Sedarilah bahawa, kejahilan boleh menyebabkandosa. Kita tidak takut dosa. Berapa banyak amalankita yang boleh menghapuskan dosa seharian???
Apakah kita begitu yakin untuk menempuhakhirat???? Siapakah kita menjelang hari kematian?Adakah kita seorang Islam. Bersediakah kitaberhadapan dengan malaikat maut.
Apakah kita merasakan diri kita terlalu muliasehingga tidak ada daya untuk menjauhkan diri dariperbuatan mungkar. Kita pergi kuliah, pergi kerja **kita yakin kita telah menutup aurat?
Kita shalat ...** kita yakin slat kita tidak tercela? Kita makan ...** kita yakin rezeki yang kita jamah diredhai Allah?Kita minum ...** kita yakin di akhirat kelak kita akan dapat minumseperti yang kita minum sekarang? Kita ketawa ...** kita tidak malu pada Allah? Kita cemerlang dalamUAN, PASCAL, LOGIK, TITAS, C++, ...** kita yakin semua itu dapat membantu kitamenjelangnya fitnah kubur? Kita berpuasa** kita yakin puasa kita mulia sehingga dapatmembela kita di hari akhirat? Kita sehat ...** kita yakin Allah muliakan kita? Kita sakit ...** kita tidak malu pada Allah kerana menarik baliknikmat kesihatan? Siapa Kita????
Kita adalah manusia yang berasal dari sekepal tanahyang hina dina.. betapa hinanya kita... tapi, kita masihmampu tersenyum dan tertawa. Bersedialahmenempuh hari selepas kematian, bersedialah untukmenempuh sakaratul maut. Burulah cinta ALLAH,sebelum Allah menutup pintu rahmatnya.Sesungguhnya kematian itu adalah sesuatu yangPASTI......!!!! Siapa kita....????
Beberapa kata renungan dari Qur'an : Orang yangtidak melakukan shalat pada :Subuh : Dijauhkan cahaya muka yang bersinarZhuhur : Tidak diberikan berkah dalam rezekinyaAsar : Dijauhkan dari kesehatan / kekuatanMaghrib : Tidak diberi santunan oleh anak-anaknya.Isha' : Dijauhkan kedamaian dalam tidurnyaAl-Quran: Sembahyanglah sebelum kamudisembahyangkan oleh orang lain.
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